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  • Writer's pictureBrie Fowler

Experience Cyclerie!

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

With spring upon us, now is a great time to prepare activities for those warmer Colorado days! So let's talk CYCLERIE! Cyclerie is an amazing new program to Erie started just about a year ago by local community resident, Jenny Johnson. Cyclerie's goal is to inspire confidence in children through learning how to ride their bikes and utilize biking as a way to get around. Jenny loves to share her passion for cycling and helping families get out together to enjoy an activity they can all participate in! Cyclerie offers a summer camp for kids to come and adventure with their peers, and gain confidence on their bikes. Jenny thinks cycling is a great way to connect with the community, with all the great local trails and easy access to restaurants and shops in town. Cyclerie is a great program to let your kids be kids! So join the fun and check out Cyclerie today!


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